Heather Fonte


Mrs. Tracy Echeverria

Dear Reid Elementary School Community,

I am honored to serve as the principal of Reid Elementary School. I am especially looking forward to getting to know you all better. Searchlight holds a special place in my heart, both personally and professionally. My mom attended a one-room school in Congress, Arizona, so I am proud to continue supporting the learning needs of multi-grade classrooms. Professionally, many years ago, I enjoyed teaching at our school when I was a substitute teacher.

As principal, I look forward to learning about our traditions and connecting with our students and families. I am excited to work with you so our school can proudly represent CCSD as a Leader In Me School, growing lifelong learners and leaders. Our shared belief that each of our children can achieve and lead at the highest levels will ensure our success.

Tracy Echeverria


Mr. Marc Lederer

Mr. Marc Lederer


Ms. Leah Canterbury

Ms. Leah Canterbury

Responsible Teacher

Ms. Kristi Carter

Ms. Kristi Carter


Ms. Jane Snyder

Ms. Jane Snyder

Special Education Teacher


Ms. Tammy Hess

Ms. Tammy Hess

Office Specialist II, Clerk, SHA

Ms. Gina McBride

Ms. Gina McBride

Instructional Aid

Ms. Janelle Kennedy

Ms. Janelle Kennedy

Instructional Aid, Custodian

Ms. Cheryl Young

Ms. Cheryl Young


Harry Reid Elementary School

Ms. Lynn Schulz

Food Service


TBD, Counselor
Ms. Carol Allen, Nurse
Ms. Melissa Cox, Librarian
Ms. Kelli Banks, Library Aide
Ms. Kara Larsen, Art
Ms. Angie Corderman, Physical Education
Ms. Donna Handley, Physical Education
Mr. David Huntsman, PE Instructional Assistant
Mr. Adam Hallam, Music
Ms. Minda McIntosh, Site-Based Computer Technician
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